My in-game name is Deity_Hazel
I was (in my opinion) unfairly banned.
All i did was remake my base into the nether, and was accused of Grieffing myself.
It all started a while ago when a server chunk glitch ruined my base. I waited about a month for the mods to help me out, but nothing happened. So i decided it was time to move on and say goodbye to my old place. I removed our base (not grieffed) and made a Nether home where it was. The reason i didn't just go to the Nether and make a home there, is because you can't place beds there. Also, you cant fish there (i had almost gotten my fishing to 150!). Another reason that i didnt have my home in the real nether is because, i dont like the mobs there (Ghasts make super creepy sounds). I was then jailed for apparently grieffing my own home. When i tried to explain myself, they told me not to argue, and was then banned.
Please unban me, i have done nothing wrong and i have put too much time into this server to be banned over a misunderstanding.