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... 12 years ago #34397

  • 117derek
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 43
  • Karma: -3
Look, Chif, I really love this server and the people on it. As soon as I can, I can cut all access to my account from other people, and can stop anything shady from happening. I really want to keep playing, and I can assure you that this will NEVER happen again, whatever actually happened. I can assure you I did NOT mine 135 diamond ore, or however many it was. I swear that this will NEVER happen again, and it won't, no matter what it takes. All I'm asking for is just ONE more chance.
P.S. Even though I don't x-ray, I 100% sure of somebody who does x-ray. Just thought you might want to know...
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Re: ... 12 years ago #34398

  • 117derek
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 43
  • Karma: -3
And just so you know, if you knew me in real life, you'd see that I'm a very nice and trustworthy person. ANYBODY that I know in real life would believe me, and not just my friends.
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Re: ... 12 years ago #34400

Quickly before chif locks another

The first time i noticed something was when it came up that you had a 4. something % for diamond. I tp to you and witness you go straight through stone to diamond. Then you stopped mining; so i went for a wander round your tunnels and kept a note so i could go back and double check it with another mod/admin. This wasn't a sudden thing; it has been on-going for over 12 hours.
Furthermore, you may not have been x-raying at all. It could have been luck, BUT the only other explanation would be duping which will also get you banned. This is not aimed at you as a person but the account. Your account hacks. Your account is banned!

This is Steve_Donno btw.

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Re: ... 12 years ago #34401

  • 117derek
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 43
  • Karma: -3
I have absolutely no clue what duping is. Does that mean duplicating? If so, I have no clue how that's even possible. And also, yes, there was some luck, and probably some of somebody else accessing my account, whoever that may be.
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Re: ... 12 years ago #34402

  • 117derek
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 43
  • Karma: -3
All I'm asking for is to be allowed back on the server, and I will make sure, by any means necessary that I will be the only one accessing this account. If I can't do that, I'll at least make sure they won't be accessing this server on my account.
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Re: ... 12 years ago #34403

  • 117derek
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 43
  • Karma: -3
And one more thing. 12 hours? I have not had the time over the last two weeks to be playing a total of 12 hours. Maybe 12 hours within the last 4 days, but I don't think I've been actually able to do anything with the lag I'm experiencing anyway...
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Re: ... 12 years ago #34404

yes duplicating. It is HIGHLY doubtful that you will be unbanned and there is an "edit" button for editing your posts on the forums.

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Re: ... 12 years ago #34405

  • 117derek
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 43
  • Karma: -3
I noticed the edit button... XD Anyway, back when I was banned the first time, I accepted it because it was true, and explained why I should be let on again. If I actually was x-raying, don't you think I would try the same thing? And don't say "Well this time you know it's going to be a permanent ban," because when I first got banned, I was told it was a permanent ban, and I still tried. Again, why would this be any different?
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Re: ... 12 years ago #34406

  • 117derek
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 43
  • Karma: -3
Well, I guess there's no use in trying to convince people who don't listen. I said my goodbyes in the chat thang on the home page. I'm not going to say it here.

P.S. Can somebody tell MrBombe to accept my friend request and send me a message. And please tell him to check his messages frequently...
Last Edit: 12 years ago by 117derek.
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Re: ... 12 years ago #34407

  • Postal291
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 55
  • Karma: 10
The lesson here is that you are ultimately responsible for the actions of your online account(s). And I'm not sure how young your little sister is, but you should talk to your mother about getting her into some more advanced computing classes if she was able to install, configure and use an x-ray mod into minecraft. Just sayin
Order from chaos. Pride from prejudice. Honor through action. Be the best you.

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