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Factions Minecraft server mod
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TOPIC: Factions Minecraft server mod

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Factions Minecraft server mod 13 years, 7 months ago #23665

  • Tunes
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 3113
  • Karma: 100
This plugin will allow the players on the server to create factions/guilds. The factions can claim territory that will be protected from non-members. Factions can forge alliances and declare themselves enemies with others. Land may be taken from other factions through war.

The goals of this plugin:

The players should be able to take care of anti-griefing themselves.
Inspire politics and intrigues on your server.
Guilding and team spirit!
The Chat Commands

The chat console command is /f
This command has sub commands like this:
/f alias,alias,alias [parameter] *[optional parameter]
You may use any one of the aliases. They point to the same command

Here are all commands available:

/f help,h,? [page] Displays the ingame help pages
/f list,ls Lists all factions on the server.
/f show,who *[faction tag] Show detailed information on a certain faction.
/f map *[on|off]
Show an ascii-art map of the nearby territory. Per default it will render only when you use the command. If you specify on or off you will toggle if the map should render every once in a while.
/f join [faction] Join a faction.
/f leave leave your current faction
/f chat,c Switch faction only chat on and off.
/f home Teleport to the faction home
/f create [faction tag] Create a new faction with you as admin.
/f desc [desc] Change the faction description.
/f open,close Switch if invitation is required to join your faction
/f invite,inv [player name]
/f deinvite,inv [player name][faction tag] Change the faction tag
/f kick [player name] Kick a player from the faction. Faction moderators can kick normal players but not eachother. The faction admin can kick moderators though.
/f mod [player name] Give or revoke moderator rights to one of the members of the faction. You must be faction admin to do this.
/f admin [player name]
Hand over your admin rights to another member. Note that you are really handing it over. You will not be admin for the faction any longer. You will be turned into a moderator, but the new admin could kick you any time.
/f title [player name] *[title][faction name]
/f neutral [faction name]
/f enemy [faction

Last Edit: 13 years, 7 months ago by Tunes.

Re: Factions Minecraft server mod 13 years, 7 months ago #23677

  • NEZ
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 312
  • Karma: 4

Re: Factions Minecraft server mod 13 years, 7 months ago #23692

  • Zorninphel
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 47
  • Karma: -6
This makes this whole concept a whole load easier to understand. Thanks (gonna mod you soon, Nez )
This signature needs to be about 20% cooler.

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie Pie? You asleep yet?
Pinkie Pie: No. Are you asleep yet?
RD: If I was sleeping, how could I ask you if you were asleep yet?
PP: Oh yeah! Hehhehw
RD: When we get to Appleloosa, d'you think we'll have to carry that heavy tree all by ourselves?
PP: What tree? You mean Loomberg?
RD: ... No. Fluttershy.
PP: Hehehe, Fluttershy's not a tree, silly!
Twilight Sparkle: What's going on?
PP: Rainbow Dash thinks Fluttershy's a tree!
RD: I do not think she's a tree! I just-
TS: Did you say she was a tree?
RD: No! Well, sorta-
TW: You know she's not a tree, right?
PP: She's not a tree, Dashie!
Fluttershy: I'd like to be a tree.
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