Hello folks! I've added a player shop to the server (YEEEEYYYYYYYY finally)
So to use here is how
/vs sell amount item price > Places an item from your inventory (and removes the amount value) of it for the price PER UNIT (not the stack)
So, /vs sell 64 stone 10 will put to sale 64 units with a price of 10 each (making the stack cost 640 to buy all)
/vs buy amount item > buys items
/vs rates to check the gold trading rate, it changes with buy/sell rules.
/vs exchange > will exchange all the gold ingots (not blocks) you have in the inventory, the more you sell, the lower the rate will be.
/vs invest will buy gold, the more you buy, the higher the rate will be
In case of doubts and bugs, postem in the thread.
Next mods, quests and npc's