Well, I've added a new plugins called factions plus, all the command below are only available to TWK-R and up members.
/f warp [name] Warps to the Faction warp!
/f createwarp [name] Creates a Faction warp, these can only be created in faction land
/f deletewarp [name] Removes a Faction warp, these can only be created in faction land
/f removewarp [name] Alias of deletewarp
/f listwarps Lists warps associated with your faction
/f setjail Sets the jail location, this can only be set in faction land
/f jail [name] Sends a player to jail!
/f unjail [name] Removes a player from jail!
/f announce [message] Broadcast a message to everyone in the Faction!
/f ban [player] Bans a player from joining a Faction
/f unban [player] Removes a Faction ban on a player
Have fun!