Hello there!
Well I thought I would join, as I am found on-line now and again.. and most people probably will recognise me
I am not on TWK as much lately as to be fair, I am getting tired of the new Counterstrike: Source Gungame.. things like knifes etc are just too unpredictable, and there is no logic to what does and doesn't register as a hit anymore. I tend to be around on Twisted for the LOLs, but do make appearances on TWK if I see enough people on to have a laugh with.
On a side note.. (Mainly to Matt).. When I pretend like coming onto the server is a big chore, or I feel like I am being forced onto it.. with replies like "Do I have to?".. It is a joke. I am quite a sarcastic and upbeat guy (unless its been a long day at work - then you can expect moaning, and general twattyness *sorry*) and do try and have a good laugh with people.
If I offend.. I am not sorry - you just need to get a better sense of humour?

Erm.. I am rambling now, as I am up at stupid o'clock and still can't get to sleep
Fun times!