Hey there, in game name is gimp but my real name is andy. Been playin css for years nw an also think i may have been in twk a while ago but nt sure, was like lvl 1100 on wcs server before it reset under the name Mr.ToP HaT nw im starting fresh on wcs again, a crappy like lvl 210 or something atm. Also play the surf server when the wcs crashes or im in the mood and to be modest im the tits at surfing. Im 16 (17 in like a month), live in sunny scotland and pretty gd at mountain biking, if anyone here knows the 7 stanes say so an ill be like yoooo half of them suck but still. Play css, gmod, black ops(pretty much zombies only) and guildwars, for those who play gw add me, names IL Mr Black IL an im one of the officers in [kiss], an ino half the people in the game hate them but hey, i like them. Thats pretty much it, hope you enjoyed my fkin book of an intro an cyas wherever