reacT wrote:
1. around 8/10 users connecting to the classic source server complain about "error signs" which are caused by the custom "admin models" or the models used by bots, i believe this function may need to either be removed or at least disabled for bots.
The skins are there for the donaters so i don't think removing them is a option, and i don't know how skins of bots work. Should be on ftp somewhere probably.
reacT wrote:
2. Unnecessary plugins cause "reg" issues also, the server is being plagued by slow hitbox updates, which is a big deal on a standard css server. plugins that i would suggest to be removed are;
. Spam Filter(unecessary)
. Swear Filter(does not function correctly, and game is rated 16 anyway, people can always be asked not to swear, its not difficult)
. Plugin that causes removal of Corpses (while it may increase FPS on lower end PC's, again it is an unnecessary strain on the server, also some players use corpse locations to ascertain where the enemy are.
. Or any other unnecessary or unused plugins.
I only agree on the removal plugin, the others don't cause any harm and it's fun in my opinion
+ If we optimize the !server command plugin i suggest to use that 2.
reacT wrote:
I would also like to suggest the plugin called "VIP" mod which allows (for those who have played 1.6) as / assassination maps to be played, where the VIP must be assassinated.
It's a classic source server OR a VIP server, mixing things up like that ain't gonna work.
reacT wrote:
With these point addressed I would also suggest a better map rotation / selection (some research into the current popular maps would be in order)
I thought you were making one?
I'm busy for another week but next week monday i've got a month free so can make some changes happen.