Ohaiyo/Chao/Konichiwa/Hi/Hola/Ni Hao/Bonjour/AnyOtherLanguageInGreetingAvailable! (Japanese/Vietnamese/Korean/English/Spanish/Chinese/French/ETC.)
Identification: My IGN is HenryPham, but you could call me Navia.
Personal Info: I am a dedicated player on most servers. I'm at an Age of 19, (20 on 1/6 CST) and very curious about stuff. My favorite Hobbies are usually sleeping, cards, games, etc. A game girl people usually call me. I USED to have tons of Gaming System such as Nintendo64, GameBoy(Advanced/Color), Wii, DS(i), and many other. I own now, my Laptop, Xbox360, Playstation, and a few more.
Q:Where do I live?

nly telling you that I live in CST.
Q:How do I look?
A:Posting it later.
A:This is my birthday acc that one of my cousin gave me. So cheap.
Q:Why are you doing this?
A:Well... I can't really express it but telling you that I'd like people to express more about them, since I express myself so much for you guys. <---Omg! Period!
Q:When are you going to get to the point that you want to become a member on this server?
A:Right this moment, Sir.
Why I do feel the need to become a member:
If you're one of the admins that actually asked this, well here's your answer. I feel like becoming a member because I feel less restricted. I'm also helpful if any other players are in need. If I were to have any higher privelages like Mod or whatever, I'd actually would decline it a bit. Not that I don't like Mod, but in a Mod position means judging people's attitude. I have experienced multiple experiences as a normal member so willing to become one.
Reason to become a regular member!
1. I will and 100% WILL follow every rules in the server!
2. Willing to help every player in need, EXCLUDING the ones who are mean to other and beg for stupid stuff!
3. I will help with server needs as soon as I can, including Donations, server fight such as Hack/Spam Chats, and many more!
4. Isn't 3 enough to persuade?
Thank you for listening to this Topic/Thread. I hope to become a part of the community soon.