I use it for my media browsing, imho works alot better.
Recently, was browsing the videos in my site, and noticed that any browser was opening them with vlc and not wmp, curious enough, firefox crashes all out and chrome just crashes the plugin leaving the browser in peace.
I have lots of other examples. Chrome beahves alot better than firefox in most sites, however found some not rendering well on chrome and well with firefox, but these for me, are poorly designed sites.
However, for the developer, firefox does pwnz. nuff said. Chrome has some developer funcionality, but far from firebug or web developer plugins.
What? Liger is not bitchin me cause I like chrome?!?! LOL you gotta be on drugs
we already established that you have screwed up the firefox installation
i dont have anything against chrome. I use it as my 2nd browser (its the opera i didnt like)
we already established that you have screwed up the firefox installation
i dont have anything against chrome. I use it as my 2nd browser (its the opera i didnt like)
Full of win! Love you 2 picking on each other!!!!
DS : No worries. I've just tried to burn then microwave then shred my wow invite.
I no longer have a buggy ff installation. In fact, in the machine were I had real problems, everything had problems too.. sooo, I don't take those problems.. as problems.
But after a kms with ff and chrome open at the same time on the vaio, chrome prooves to be more system friendly and on top of that, faster than ff.
However, to kick the webdev I have in me, ff does all tricks!
AdBlock for Chrome! Block all advertisements on all web pages, even Facebook and Youtube. Your browser is automatically updated with additions to the filter: just click Install, then visit your favorite website and see the ads disappear!
New in version 2.4: More than twice as fast, while using less memory per tab!
New in version 2.3: Adds an optional toolbar button to control AdBlock!
New in version 2.1: Translated into dozens of languages!
New in version 2.0: Ads are blocked from downloading, instead of just being removed after the fact!
1. This is AdBlock: the original Chrome extension written from the ground up to be optimized for Chrome. I was inspired by the excellent Firefox "Adblock Plus" project (which is a fork of an old Firefox "Adblock" project -- confusing, I know), but I'm not related to those, nor to "Adblock Plus For Google Chrome", to which the old "AdThwart" extension was recently renamed.