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TOPIC: Empiricism

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Empiricism 16 years, 2 months ago #1474

  • Luckie
  • Official TWK Admin
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Well I may as well get this section started for all the budding young philosophers out there!

What do you think of David Hume\'s Empiricism? I agree with pretty much everything he says - knowledge is gained from the senses and I really agree with his theory of inductive reasoning. But I feel being an extreme empiricist isn\'t good either - in order to get on with our lives we need to strike a balance between empiricism, rationalism and any other epistemological standpoints there are!

Or am I the only one here who knows about this?

Re:Empiricism 16 years, 2 months ago #1482

  • Greenie
  • Official TWK Admin
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I like butter on toast.

Re:Empiricism 16 years, 2 months ago #1484

  • Luckie
  • Official TWK Admin
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Well, erm good for you Greenie! But to make it a bit more philosophical - how do you actually know that the butter being on toast makes you enjoy it? Hume\'s stance on causality is one which I must agree with - we assume there is a connection between things without actually being able to see a causal link. And How do we know that what happened once will always happen (e.g. science)?


Re:Empiricism 16 years, 2 months ago #1485

  • Greenie
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 177
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Luckie wrote:
Well, erm good for you Greenie! But to make it a bit more philosophical - how do you actually know that the butter being on toast makes you enjoy it?

When there is no butter on the toast, it is too dry. I don\'t like that.

Luckie wrote:

Hume\'s stance on causality is one which I must agree with - we assume there is a connection between things without actually being able to see a causal link. And How do we know that what happened once will always happen (e.g. science)?

I know that as long as the bread is cooked so that toast is made and that the toast is still warm when the butter is applied, i will begin to melt, causing a good feeling

Luckie wrote:

Or am I the only one here who knows about this?

That\'s what the yes was for, although I\'m sure we are all willing to learn and for you to share your wisdom.

Re:Empiricism 16 years, 2 months ago #1486

  • Luckie
  • Official TWK Admin
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Greenie wrote:

Luckie wrote:

Or am I the only one here who knows about this?

That\'s what the yes was for, although I\'m sure we are all willing to learn and for you to share your wisdom.[/quote]

meh - can\'t really be arsed now!

Re:Empiricism 16 years, 2 months ago #1489

  • Gazza
  • Official TWK Admin
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i tried my best to learn a little about this to make a meaningful reply but i could barely read it - - nvm understand it

Re:Empiricism 16 years, 2 months ago #1492

  • Jack Frost
  • Gold Boarder
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It all boils down to what side you\'re on. Me? I\'m on the side with butter on it!


Re:Empiricism 16 years, 2 months ago #1493

  • dynamicaL
  • Senior Boarder
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Luckie wrote:

Or am I the only one here who knows about this?

Ofcourse. The rest of us live in our own little bubbles.

oh, and I like toast too.

Re:Empiricism 16 years, 2 months ago #1500

  • Jack Frost
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 181
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Okay, how does the notion of natural talent equate with Empiricism? If we are all \"blank slates\" who learn from exposure to outside influences and experience, what part do our own innate abilities play (if any)?


Re:Empiricism 16 years, 2 months ago #1504

  • Luckie
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 563
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Ah well that is the thing frosty - empiricists believe that there is no innate knowledge we are only \'Tabula Rasa\' (see what the title of the game means now?). Though it is debatable about the truth of this statement - i mean, we do know how to digest food in the womb from the umbilical cord do we not?
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