Pooky wrote:
Making a little post for some info
The server seems to be doing quite good, with an average of 12 ~ 18 people on it over day.I hope players are having fun on it... I haven't had time to speak to our ingame players yet. Wanna get some feedback from players to improve the gameplay.
The wcs forums seem to have come to an complete halt. No new versions have been launched in 2 weeks and other random topics have died as well. Hope this will be a temporary pause, since there are still some bugs actively screwing over our server ( the invis isn't working & ultimate cooldowns are bugged on Elf, Orc, Athena, ... ==> they all have the same basic ulti script )
I won't be able to script much more in the next few months. Exams are still pretty far off ( start 16th January ) but better to be save & learn then sorry.
Any remarks or questions can of course be posted on here
Go play & have fun!
Also levithian ultimate is spamable btw (you should disable it)
If dragon fly dies in ultimate, spec still has red lights behind him
Cowboy's lasso bugs alot in wall.
Server crashes if u pick up all weapons in aim dust with a class who restricts it( had that twice)
The most annoying bug for me is when i come online now and want to play but bots are stuck in awp crazyjump, need to wait till 3 other peeps come online to start playing
but there are much people online everyday so its all ok
applause for pooky (and all other people who make the servers possible)