Well, you guys know all the mass killings are related to CSS, in fact, I havent understood yet why havent they blamed Valve yet...
I think the real issue here has already been discussed and we all agree on it, and that is Gun control.
Its simple, I used to play paintball, here in Portugal even for a shop to sell paintball guns is a pain as it needs tons of paperwork and approvals and even then, you cant present them on shelves etc.
The real thing we all know is that ppl carjack and rob other ppl because of GTA, they walk into a school and murder dozens of ppl because of CSS and soon the economic crisis we are experience will be blamed on Sims...
What I can say is that most of us that play css daily have a life, kids, families, friends, get into communities, etc, so that must really be because its a violent game that promotes violence towards others...
I agree with the family having an huge part of blame on these situations. We had a local case where a kid commited suicide cause he was being bullied in school. If it was on US and he had shelves of guns at home I believe he wouldnt commit suicide, but instead grab a gun and go to school with it... then disaster would happen, then media would rape his spare time and find he played WoW and was good in PvP so that should be because of that he killed all those kids.
Blame the media on this, and blame Valve and others for not having the balls to sue all those reporters that blame their games for society problems.
Nuff said.