Well, thought I'd give a little mention to AION, and whether anyone is interested in playing it with me
I had a couple of months subscription when it was a subscription based MMO, but I couldn't keep with the commitment to it, since I wouldn't play it all the time so I was essentially wasting money, however, about a month ago, it went F2P! It's still exactly the same game (with a few additions to compensate for the F2P model), and because I previously had a subscription, I get Veteran status (whoop!).
So, if you already have an account with NCSoft for it, AND have payed for at least a months subscription previously, you can get your account transferred and receive Veteran status (a few more privilages than the standard account), but if you never had a subscription, you can still transfer your account, but won't get Veteran status. Everything will be carried over, and it would be as if nothing changed

otherwise, make an account on GameForge, and get playing with me!
If you want to play with me (giggity) in the same world, you MUST be the Asmodian race, and play on the EU server Spatalos (since Asmodians and Elyos have different worlds, so if you chose Elyos, it would be a long time before we meet, and we would be in a PvP area anyway). If you do, add a friend request to Chif (for my female Assassin) or Chifilly (for my male Sorcerer (not played much anymore)).
The website if anyone's interested:
Woo, long post
tl;dr: Make an account
here, download the client, race Asmodian, server Spatalos, and friend Chif. Done