eskimo wrote:
yeah but at the moment its kinda like there forcing a religion on you, at least this way it will be kinda fun and not totally boring. I think my learning experiences in R.E. will be alot different to anyone else's unless they live in a very multicultural environment. My school haven't taught me about Christianity yet as we have covered Judaism, Sikhism, Hinduism and currently learning of the Islamic religion. All abit boring tbh, i don't know if Norway learn as many religions beliefs but its boring as hell and tbh id rather just learn the big bang theory... plus the show beats all !
You've either just suggested 'The Big Bang Theory' is in itself a religion or you've used it as a representation for science. There I'd say science and religion do not have to be seperate, you'll find that most scientists are in fact Christians. Christians are often giving explanations as to how science and religion do not contradict one another, more specifically they say that God created the Big Bang (and so on).
RE, or 'RS' (religious studies), is just the same for everyone in the UK, we all have to learn about the religions you stated above. I understand how you could find the dramatisation of the Bible in such a fashion appealing, but it can be done for all religions. Each religion has its own fables, tales, stories including tests of faith, punishments, miracles... I personally believe that's all they are, stories. Stories which have a moral undertone used to give an example of how to behave. The story itself is not the important part, it's whether or not you've understood what it's trying to tell you.
So, it's not about pretty pictures and drama, you can't polish a turd and I'm yet to be proven wrong.