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TOPIC: Weird

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Weird 15 years, 8 months ago #5025

  • Risky_Pwnz
  • Senior Boarder
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Have you ever wonder about the earth and certain surrondings and how they have evovled i mean scientist say that we evolved from primates and that we are monkeys and chimpz but hasent it ever occured to you how humanz might actually be writing history for there own benifits.

Look at how isic newton found out about gravity, isent that a coiencidence how he was just standing there for not so long and a apply fell off the tree and landed on his head?

Also i mean why does the sky have to be blue? Why not purple or green?
who invented the alphabet or was it already imprinted into or minds?
why does 2+2 = 4 who come up with that?

havent you ever wondered what this all meanz?
Please tell me what you think about this whole sorta stuff as its been playing on my mind for yearz

Re: Weird 15 years, 8 months ago #5026

  • Tunes
  • Official TWK Admin
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I think we should all smoke marijuana and feel the life the we have

Yeah mate, lots of things might make some confusion, 2+2 =4 , because the arabics designed the numbers that way, it's the vertex count on each number, Romans had another design for numbers like I=1 II=2 III=3 IV=4 V=5 and so on.

If you dig a bit, a much more complex force was discovered a few thousand years before Newton deliberated about gravity, was the levitation on the water, by Archimedes.

Most of the things people find and discover, are pure luck of the moment, and moving minds question themselves about what they haver seen and think about it, more than thinking about what someone else has found.

I don't really think about the primates and stuff, Gaya is a moving creature allways modifying things and getting rid of what does not matter, like it did with the dinossaurs, thanks god it gave us oil

oh crap.. my mind today is not on the normal levels... already took two painkillers and still is blowing off... damn...

Re: Weird 15 years, 8 months ago #5031

  • Risky_Pwnz
  • Senior Boarder
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Lool wow some one knows there history and have done some reasearch lmfao but it still doesent explain who invented words i mean havent you ever thought like if thirsty actually meanz what we think it is i mean wouldnt it be weird if we wasent speaking in a right context i mean ....

cant be bovard i dont even know what im saying lmfao never mind people lool

Re: Weird 15 years, 8 months ago #5039

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
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I recently saw a hypnotist get a woman to believe that red was black, yellow was red, blue was yellow, and black was blue... So technically the sky is NOT blue, that's just the name we have given it.

If you think about it, we can make sense of it because it's what we have been taught for meleniums, and nobody has ever questioned it. For all we know, a car might be an apple, but that is our way of speaking, just like japan uses 'Konichiwa' for hello, or Germany uses 'Guden Tag' etc... It's never been asked because of the impossibility of proving it right or wrong, it's what we know and that's that.

Also the 2+2=4 theory is not always correct, as there is a mathmatical formulae that shoes 2+2 to = 5

Random Statement:::: I know someone who proved my friend was a plant in another dimention through the use of complex physics and english

Re: Weird 15 years, 8 months ago #5042

  • Luckie
  • Official TWK Admin
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ahhh philosophy my favourite subject

Re: Weird 15 years, 8 months ago #5048

  • Lee.H
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Unfortunatly I never had the chance to study philosophy however it is a subject that has always interested me. As for why is the sky "blue", its just a word assigned to what we see and what has been learned for the many years It could have been anything.

The question I like is, why are we here? What are we doing here? We live a while and die, is there a point? Answer me that without saying 42

Re: Weird 15 years, 8 months ago #5049

  • Luckie
  • Official TWK Admin
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It also brings in empiricism and scepticism - are our senses really showing us what the sky actually is? Are our impressions and ideas of the "blue" and "sky" really true? How do we know what our senses are telling us is actually true?

Ahhh <3 David Hume. Legend!

Re: Weird 15 years, 8 months ago #5050

  • eskimo
  • Official TWK Admin
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the sky is blue as light-rays travel through the atmosphere to earth and then refracted back. the longer waves suck as red orange and orange go straight without being affected by the atmosphere. The blue light however splits up and when you look up the blue light goes into your eyes xD hense when the sun has no clear path to one side of the earth you can't see the blue sky xD....
what does bigamy mean? One wife too many. What does monogamy mean? The same f*****g thing

Re: Weird 15 years, 8 months ago #5051

  • Luckie
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 563
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Just bringing more philosophy into this lol - brilliant!

Re: Weird 15 years, 8 months ago #5052

  • Tunes
  • Official TWK Admin
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Risky_Pwnz wrote:
Lool wow some one knows there history and have done some reasearch lmfao but it still doesent explain who invented words i mean havent you ever thought like if thirsty actually meanz what we think it is i mean wouldnt it be weird if we wasent speaking in a right context i mean ....

cant be bovard i dont even know what im saying lmfao never mind people lool

I haven't done any research, its simply things I know, i'm quite a bit old...

It's not the question of WHO invented words, no one can really answer that, the where and why, its quite easy.

Words, phonems and all the abc's of writing were born and developed during a few centurys in europe by its inhabitants, roman, greeks (mostly math) and arabs.

On the northern europe things were a bit different, I don't know history around there, but on the UK saxons gave it juice up to the most easy and simple language we have on earth.

I have only a few knowledge on what affects our portuguese language, mostly latin, roman and arabs (numbers) left their knowledge here.

Soon the man found the need to comunicate and leave wisdom written where it could be found later, mostly everything started on the caves with the paitings.

Math came after with the need to trade with the villages around, in this arabs were the most proeminent, since all numeric symbols (1234567890) were left to us by them, its easy to understand why the symbols and what they mean, numbers haver vertices, each number is the exact number of vertices they have.

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