Howdy folks, finally, this weekend managed to get this Kyosho Inferno I had for about 2 years made completely in parts, all dissasembled...
Vogon and I went for a spin with it and final dynamic tune ups, not able to end the carbs tunning cause there was a freaking hurricane passing by
Vopon is a twatt cause he could have taken some pics while me driving the thing... which makes me a twatt also cause I took no pictures of him driving it.. oh well
Original was an Inferno sports 7.5, but I crashed it two years ago, so this was a complete remake, so its TT7.5 ( Tunes Tech

It has some tuneups, some can be seen, some not really, funny, the "invisible" ones were the most expensive...
Heres the pics of the car.. next time something more interesting