Yes, you probably have seen it, cried, laughed, cursed, ran away and hide but we had an upgrade on the stats and also a full reset.
Now the main difference is that ranking is done by server and also some internal functionality that was changed (some stuff too specific and that no gamer cares about except us geeks

Again please direct all your happiness, rage, cursing etc to myself. I know some wont like it, but its so much fun to be able to climb the ladder again instead of being worried cause you're loosing your precious points and not play...
I would like to enforce that resets will be done regularly, maybe each 6 months or less, its a way to keep things fresh and make people realize its not only the stats that matter.
Again, I know that all the leet players that were in the top will be in the top again soon, so go on and give them hell!
TWKgaming general informational announcement:
Some bugs may be noticed at the moment. As always things do not run as smooth as we would wish, but what would be the fun in that?