so yeah i started steam
got 5 friends invites accepted them and instantly i get a message of this guy fries. well i just post what happend next.
maandag 6 juli 2009
8:16 - -=[Noob-Killers]=- Leader.fRiEs: Hello my name is fRiEs , I am from the Noob-Killers[Nb] clan . I have seen you play and would like to recruit you as a member! This is our steam group page"
steamco" onclick=";return false; " the website is not up yet , but i am working on it . I hope you wish to join us!
8:16 - -???- ??? AL Azif: ???
8:16 - -=[Noob-Killers]=- Leader.fRiEs: Hello my name is fRiEs , I am from the Noob-Killers[Nb] clan . I have seen you play and would like to recruit you as a member! This is our steam group page"
steamcommu" onclick=";return false; " the website is not up yet , but i am working on it . I hope you wish to join us!
8:16 - -???- ??? AL Azif: ehm right on what server
8:16 - -=[Noob-Killers]=- Leader.fRiEs: it was a pub i think
8:16 - -???- ??? AL Azif: wich 1
8:16 - -???- ??? AL Azif: when
8:17 - -???- ??? AL Azif: and who where you ingame
8:17 - -=[Noob-Killers]=- Leader.fRiEs: yesterdat
8:17 - -=[Noob-Killers]=- Leader.fRiEs: twk
8:17 - -=[Noob-Killers]=- Leader.fRiEs: this same name
8:17 - -=[Noob-Killers]=- Leader.fRiEs:
8:17 - -???- ??? AL Azif: yesterday i havn't played pub
8:17 - -???- ??? AL Azif: only gungame and wcs
8:17 - -???- ??? AL Azif: twk is right
8:17 - -=[Noob-Killers]=- Leader.fRiEs: pub = gungame.
8:17 - -???- ??? AL Azif: but you can gues that from my name
8:17 - -=[Noob-Killers]=- Leader.fRiEs: twk right , i saw yo playing
8:17 - -???- ??? AL Azif: and i havn't seen you
8:18 - -???- ??? AL Azif: and fourth the link you provide is not a steam link
-=[Noob-Killers]=- Leader.fRiEs is now Offline.
-=[Noob-Killers]=- Leader.fRiEs is currently offline, message cannot be sent.
after i said the stuff about the link he went offline in an instant