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Alpha Protocol
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Alpha Protocol 14 years, 9 months ago #11808

  • Johannicus
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Alice, What have you done?
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This game is just awsome! First of all it is one of the first games in a while where they say SEGA! when the SEGA logo shows, like in the old days
Secondly, its VERY refreshing to play a RPG thats not fantasy or sci-fi.
Third, since it is a RPG you have choices almost all the time. There is almost no downtime. Even during conversations you need to be alert and decide what to respond.
Espionage RPG and with good voice actors and good story.

Example of choices:

As the trailer says, your wepon is choice

If you like espionage, action and stealth and a good story, this is a must play game!
So if Im a bit away this weekend, its because im working under Alpha Protocol

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Re: Alpha Protocol 14 years, 9 months ago #11811

  • liger
  • Official TWK Admin
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i think im going deaf, coz i didnt hear sega being screamed at the beginning
will put it on my to play list
currently still playing gta4

Re: Alpha Protocol 14 years, 9 months ago #11821

  • Johannicus
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Alice, What have you done?
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liger wrote:
i think im going deaf, coz i didnt hear sega being screamed at the beginning
will put it on my to play list
currently still playing gta4

I meant In-game, not in the trailers.

ADMIN on the Minecraft server.

Re: Alpha Protocol 14 years, 9 months ago #11831

  • Tunes
  • Official TWK Admin
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Damn you Niccus, you are tooo fast

Next weekend I'm going to take it for a spin, also red some nice reviews about the game and I'm also an rpg sucker

This game's dialog are quite different from other games, as we don't choose what to speak but tone how we deal with the conversation bringing different plot all over the game, lets see how it went.

Re: Alpha Protocol 14 years, 9 months ago #11842

  • Johannicus
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Alice, What have you done?
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Tunes wrote:
Damn you Niccus, you are tooo fast

Next weekend I'm going to take it for a spin, also red some nice reviews about the game and I'm also an rpg sucker

This game's dialog are quite different from other games, as we don't choose what to speak but tone how we deal with the conversation bringing different plot all over the game, lets see how it went.

I love the fact that you only get to see about 1/4 of all the cutscenes in 1 playthrough. And everything has consequences, what you say, wich order you do it, how you do it. Replayability is high aswell as most maps have diffrent paths depending on your style.

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Re: Alpha Protocol 14 years, 9 months ago #11976

  • Tunes
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 3113
  • Karma: 100
Well, its one of those things.... I won't continue to play it, as for me, it doesn't get my grip.

The game looks a bit buggy, sometimes i'm going in some direct, the camera glitches and a milisecond i'm going some other direction.

The game is sloooowwwwww.. clicking on a weapon takes a second to render, also I don't see enough effects and objects and is has the lowest fps rate I've ever seen, yes, I have a xfire top of the line from last summer and all games play really well, this one is a just a bit crappy... Had to low lots of settings to get a decent frame rate.

overall, imho, the game suckz.

Re: Alpha Protocol 14 years, 9 months ago #11977

  • Johannicus
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Alice, What have you done?
  • Posts: 1087
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Tunes wrote:
Well, its one of those things.... I won't continue to play it, as for me, it doesn't get my grip.

The game looks a bit buggy, sometimes i'm going in some direct, the camera glitches and a milisecond i'm going some other direction.

The game is sloooowwwwww.. clicking on a weapon takes a second to render, also I don't see enough effects and objects and is has the lowest fps rate I've ever seen, yes, I have a xfire top of the line from last summer and all games play really well, this one is a just a bit crappy... Had to low lots of settings to get a decent frame rate.

overall, imho, the game suckz.

My comp handles it just fine, only problem I have had so far is the camera glitch wich sadly happens mostly in the beginning base and in some heavy firefights(wich are rare). Its a diamond with some flaws imo.

ADMIN on the Minecraft server.

Re: Alpha Protocol 14 years, 9 months ago #11982

  • Tunes
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 3113
  • Karma: 100
Looks they really paid lots of attention to the story line and how it is played rather than balancing solving a few engine quirks.

I don't really think I have a other century machnine, in fact all games till now plays well with all high or very high with 1920x1080 res, and I have less than 25fps with all high settings in this game.

I do admit the way to carry dialog is in fact new and has lots of potential, but with lack of playbaility the game has.. ruins it a bit.

Take the example you know very well, mass effect 2, the game runs smooth as silk.

Que camera quirk made me die a couple times.. argh

I terms of graphics, I was expecting to see alot more...

As fot RPG, 10 out of 10

Re: Alpha Protocol 14 years, 9 months ago #11990

  • Johannicus
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Alice, What have you done?
  • Posts: 1087
  • Karma: 6
Tunes wrote:
Looks they really paid lots of attention to the story line and how it is played rather than balancing solving a few engine quirks.

I don't really think I have a other century machnine, in fact all games till now plays well with all high or very high with 1920x1080 res, and I have less than 25fps with all high settings in this game.

I do admit the way to carry dialog is in fact new and has lots of potential, but with lack of playbaility the game has.. ruins it a bit.

Take the example you know very well, mass effect 2, the game runs smooth as silk.

Que camera quirk made me die a couple times.. argh

I terms of graphics, I was expecting to see alot more...

As fot RPG, 10 out of 10

Why do you think all RPG companies let Obsidian do their sequels? Because they excell at making RPG stories. I have played thru the game 3 times and still find new cutscenes I havnt seen before and diffrent endings all 3 times!!
I lovered my res to 1290*960 I think and it worked wonders. And as I said before, the camera bug is mostly in the Greybox area so it might improve when you get past it.

ADMIN on the Minecraft server.

Re: Alpha Protocol 14 years, 9 months ago #11992

  • Johannicus
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Alice, What have you done?
  • Posts: 1087
  • Karma: 6
A good review and read some of the longer responses to it to get the best complete review of it." onclick=";return false;

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