Well, if they continue path they are taking now, blizzard enter the hall of fame for money greedy companies (only)
I won't buy it for single player either if things go this way, for single player i'll just.. pirate it, its a lot cheaper as the the game won't count for anything else after being dealt it.
don't get me wrong, I do collect games and have all blizzard orginal games and collector edtions, except one. But I do play diablo2 still today, I love to go around a bit and deal with some caves and stuff online only, I don't play diablo single player.
In fact, I never played any blizzard game singleplayer.
But I'm a hot blood gamer and also Latin, and my solution is, boycott Blizzard and hack all their servers worldwide.
I can't stand these new money milking only game factories, I know i'm a 36 year old gamer and seen the birth of the gaming industry, and the way things are going, something must be done to make them see what really counts in a game, not just milk the money cow.
So... as blizzard expects people to pay around 180 eur to play the feckin game, I will pay 0. And I believe most people will do the same.