If you don't find a place on the site to get the "installer", I can supply it and the resource file (sounds and stuff) and login offline, really offline, no internet connection at all, otherwise, no sound

and play the usual random gen HUGE maps, it will feel strange, cause the graphics are really naive but easy to get the hang of it and plays on a window, very rough really.
I'm kinda addicted to this game, basically, you can design your place, in-game features are continuously evolving, since its still alpha releases with less than a year indev, its a game I'll play along for a few time, imho (excluding gmod and few others) its the only game where you really freely change your environment, A LOT of digging is necessary, hours of digging and replacing block, managing resources, planting fields, really doing something, at least I like it, and its no slavery game like farmville or alike, very fun and pleasant.