No? Well it's a very old PC game made by Bullfrog, a strategy game where your aim was to build the most badass dungeon, be the one with the best traps, the most secrets and the strongest creatures in order to take down the other dungeon keepers, and maybe you might even come across a few unlucky heros thinking they can rid the world of nasty monsters like yourself..." onclick=";return false;
Yes? Well remember hearing the sad news that Dungeon Keeper 3 was cancelled, EA had lent the rights to some Chinese MMO guys and that was the end of that... Well not any more!
I present to you the German developers Realmforge. They are well known for their 'tribute' games and have recently finished creating their newest release: Dungeons
It's literally an updated version of Dunkeon Keeper and it's somthing I am epically excited about! Off to find out where I can buy it
Lazy people watch it here:
EDIT: Even better is that the developers have their own forums and people are asking questions (which are being answered by the developers!!) so if you are interested, go take a look (I sure am lol)" onclick=";return false;