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Mass Effect 3
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TOPIC: Mass Effect 3

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Mass Effect 3 14 years, 2 months ago #15990

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
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And so it begins! The antagonising clues as to what biowares next game will be have been posted over facebook and spread across the net. A bunch of stange looking pixlated images that translate into binary which then translated into clues.

So many have speculated, including people believing that a certain image on a leaked trailer showing a sniper overlooking a bridge was actually a view from the houses of parliament themselves!

Well it's finally known and they actually weren't that far off It was actually Big Ben!

[youtube:8uf3uyrt][/youtube:8uf3uyrt]" onclick=";return false;

The release date has been shown as "Holiday 2011" (Q4)

How many will be impatiently rocking back and forth in the fetal position for the year long wait to hopefully finally see Tali's face? Will you actually be able to land on earth for the first time? What does Sheperd plan to do about the reapers? How many ME3's is santa going to have to buy? And just WHAT did that sniper shoot in the trailer!?

Re: Mass Effect 3 14 years, 2 months ago #15993

  • Johannicus
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Alice, What have you done?
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I would have gone crazy over the wait but luckily DA2 comes in march so I can play that while I wait.

But as much as I wait for ME3 Im also sad, because this means that an awsome trilogy will come to an end..

And I dont know if I wanna see Talis face, I mean it was part of the mystery and it was the only character wich charmed you with personality instead of looks.

ADMIN on the Minecraft server.

Re: Mass Effect 3 14 years, 2 months ago #15994

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
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Johannicus wrote:
I would have gone crazy over the wait but luckily DA2 comes in march so I can play that while I wait.

But as much as I wait for ME3 Im also sad, because this means that an awsome trilogy will come to an end..

And I dont know if I wanna see Talis face, I mean it was part of the mystery and it was the only character wich charmed you with personality instead of looks.

It will be sad when it's over Bet you they'll be people begging them to make more

I'm the same for Tali's face really, after ME2 I reeeally want to see her face but at the same time I think it'll just ruin it for alot of fans (If she's even there... There's a rumour that she won't be in it! Had over 4 threads that went over their post limit of 5000 posts each on the bioware forums all titled 'Save Tali' or 'Tali for ME3' )

Re: Mass Effect 3 14 years, 2 months ago #16016

  • Johannicus
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Alice, What have you done?
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Well if they dont include Tali in ME3 then they are idiots. I mean they didnt make her a romance option in ME1 because they thought no one wanted a chicken legged woman. Then it turns out she became the most popular char in the game, so they made her a love option in ME2. That she would not be in ME3 is just silly, even a forced death in ME3 would be silly..

ADMIN on the Minecraft server.

Re: Mass Effect 3 14 years, 2 months ago #16017

  • liger
  • Official TWK Admin
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If ME3 will be popular it will be just as much of a trilogy as Die Hard is

Re: Mass Effect 3 14 years, 2 months ago #16050

  • Johannicus
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Alice, What have you done?
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No one touches my Tali!!
..or Liara.
..or Legion.
..or Kasumi. call:
..or Garrus.

ADMIN on the Minecraft server.

Re: Mass Effect 3 14 years, 2 months ago #16051

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
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liger wrote:
If ME3 will be popular it will be just as much of a trilogy as Die Hard is

ME3 WILL be popular

Johannicus wrote:
No one touches my Tali!!
..or Liara.
..or Legion.
..or Kasumi. call:
..or Garrus.

Too right nobody touches Tali! They will kill the game if they get rid of her!

As long as Guarrus and Tali are in it I'll be loving it.

Cerberus can keep their saggy arsed Miranda and no-talk whats-is-name (Jeff? No... Mark?)

I don't like Liara now I've seen her new self in ME2, she used to be so... innocent...

I don't want Legion either, there's bound to be more fights between him and Tali and I will just end up shutting him down for Talis sake. Best to leave him on a good ending rather than a bad one no?

Re: Mass Effect 3 14 years, 2 months ago #16056

  • Johannicus
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Alice, What have you done?
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Che ken wrote:

I don't want Legion either, there's bound to be more fights between him and Tali and I will just end up shutting him down for Talis sake. Best to leave him on a good ending rather than a bad one no?

Im gonna keep them both cause I like Legion and Tali. Tali helped Legion after their fight by sending some data for him to send to the Geth. They might also be the key to bring peace or atleast co-operation between their races.

ADMIN on the Minecraft server.

Re: Mass Effect 3 14 years, 2 months ago #16062

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 746
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Perhaps... Could also lead to a new alliance to defeat the Reapers, combine Geth technology with everyone elses to create something new

Although that would also weigh on how you did on Tali's Loyalty mission. If she was banished from the migrant fleet because you either didn't have good enough paragon or you just fail then you might not get this option as Tali will have no way to contact the admiralty board.

Grunt is definately one character I'm willing to change, give me back Wrex!
Reason for this is I expect Grunt with have a dispute with Garrus If they are both in ME3. If you talk to Grunt through ME2 I believe you find he has a distinct dislike for Turians which could be bad news in the future if you want to keep your team together and they end up fighting!

Re: Mass Effect 3 14 years, 2 months ago #16149

  • liger
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1318
  • Karma: 15
just started playing the first one


80% talk
19% walk
1% rest

i got to the point where i get my ship. I seriously hope i'll see some more action than this, coz its tiresome to listen to all of that
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