Grim4118 : is there a tf2 server? just wondering
# DreamState : Not atm but we are always open to suggestions. Smile
PeanutAlmigh : Would be willing to contribute to a TF2 server
M3ntoz : I don't have TF2 but i would buy it if it's needed.
PeanutAlmigh : GET THE ORANGE BOX!
M3ntoz : orange box? i only got a shoe box
M3ntoz : I checked in in store of steam and i already have Half life so if its needed im just gonna buy tf without anything else.
PeanutAlmigh : *face-palm*
Grim4118 : orange box is brilliant ^^ just bought it last week

M3ntoz : It's kinda useless to buy the same game twice...
Grim4118 : yeeah but you get a cool orange box

M3ntoz : .... no comment
PeanutAlmigh : All the cool kids have it
# Grim4118 : yay im a cool kid Smile
M3ntoz : I don't need to buy a orange box to be cool.
Grim4118 : fair enough ^^
# DreamState : If someone could post the ideal TF2 server setup - ie. maps, mods, etc, we will give it a go Smile
M3ntoz : Well if twk get a tf2 server i buy the game but for the moment i know shit about it ^^
PeanutAlmigh : The Saxton hale mod is awesome and very popular, but I dunno if you'd want that for a first TF2 server. For that, mostly arena maps, and about 25-30 slots.
M3ntoz : Ordered TF2 cd key online :p ( cheaper than steam, will probably have it soon)
PeanutAlmigh : Does anyone else hara have DC universe?
Grim4118 : junction is a good map

thats the main one i play anyway
TheBlackWalt : CAn you post these TF2 ideas in the forums, some people dont check the shoutbox and may want to add to this discussion
there you go waltz :p