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A review of Crysis 2
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TOPIC: A review of Crysis 2

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A review of Crysis 2 13 years, 11 months ago #18907

  • Johannicus
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Alice, What have you done?
  • Posts: 1087
  • Karma: 6
Some of you who been around here for a while know that I am a gamer who prefere RPGs, RTS and storydriven games, and if you can play thru the game in diffrent ways its a huge plus. But from time to time I need some more action paced games. The two titles I was deciding between was Homefront and Crysis 2 but after reading about them and looking at some fotage on Homefront I kept wondering why it wasnt released as Call of Duty: Homefront as the multiplayer looked identical. So I went for Crysis 2 because it looked more intresting.

After the classic FPS intro where your team askes you questions wich you cant answer because you are as always mute for some lame excuse. They never say that you cant speak because your mute, its always radio malfunction or something. Something happens and your on your own. So, your thrown into the fray and shoot your way onwards. I must say I really liked the action and the alternative ways to approach a given situation but after playing thru half the game I turned it off. The negative things just kept nagging at me. Each time I use a suit effect a voice tells me Im using said effect, wich gets annoying when you use stealth and it has to be activated every 10-15s because of low energy. Then we have the pointer wich shows you where to go constantly wich makes you feel like your lead by a leash all the way.

Each combat zone wich is basicly like a huge room with diffrent approaches to the enemy. The aproaches is nicley pointed out for you as a voice says "tactical options available" and if you heed the advice and use your visor you can see where to "snipe", "jump up a tall ledge" or "flank" the enemy. I have also died a couple of times after clearing a room to find out a couple more spawned behind me when I did something special. You never run out of ammo, or atleast I havnt so far, because there are ammo boxes all along your way.

I will play this thru someday but that voice "stealth activated" is just too damn irretating after 6 hours of playing and hearing it almost every 15sec of gametime. Oh, and waypoint save is just damn irretating when you die just before the next waypoint and the last 15-20min of gametime is all for nothing and you have to repeat it and hear said voices all over again. And the ironic thing is that I actually liked this game, I just wished I could turn those damn voices off!

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Re: A review of Crysis 2 13 years, 11 months ago #18922

  • mrcrosssss
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 19
  • Karma: 8
Should i buy this game just to play multilayer ?

Re: A review of Crysis 2 13 years, 11 months ago #18924

  • Johannicus
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Alice, What have you done?
  • Posts: 1087
  • Karma: 6
No, idea tbh. Havnt tried multiplayer yet. But from what I read in reviews its very similsr to other games MP so not much new.

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