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Ban 13 years, 11 months ago #19418

  • Ded3
  • Expert Boarder
  • Posts: 80
  • Karma: -16
Hi every one one day I came to the server I was playing ok with others in server then me and supa I think he shot at me telport and I went into a wall and the time was about to go all started kicking me but I still didint go off then time end and nothing happend i killed my self and map changed after map one guy started abusing me calling me names and Mr.Moo didin't do anything when i started abusing this guy i got muted and I went off to tell callum. I loged in to the server and Started playing got to status 8-0 5 points for kills and 3 for bomb and then i went to ters spawn my team went to baze B and i jumped down from base T and walked towards the base A and I seen on radar Ter on base ters and I looked at wall and I got banned by Mr.Moo thats my story thanks guys sorry for my writing im not actual english
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Re: Ban 13 years, 11 months ago #19421

  • Mr.Moo
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 426
  • Karma: 17
ded3 - I banned you because I have a screenshot of you a) admitted to cheating and B) being abusive.

I didn't ban you because you looked at a wall, the names you were calling other players were totally inappropiate and out of order.

Mr.Moo didn't do anything

I wasnt' there when this happened.

I'll tell you what, as there was no demo of you hacking, and you've made the effort to make a post, I will unban you, BUT, if I see you being abusive toward players again, and using totally inappropiate swearing and insults the ban will go back on.

Also, if anyone else is being abusive towards you, I will deal with them as we don't accept abuse towards anyone okay?

So just lay off the insults, and have fun okay?


You have been unbanned, please don't let us down

Pooky: Could you make your topic titles more specific next time please ? I thought this was about CSS.
Mentoz: It's in the Minecraft thread...
Pooky: Balls D:

Pooky Failed.
Last Edit: 13 years, 11 months ago by Mr.Moo.
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Re: Ban 13 years, 11 months ago #19435

  • Ded3
  • Expert Boarder
  • Posts: 80
  • Karma: -16
Mr.Moo I WASNT USING CHEATS for god sake tell why did I buy the steam? for people who dont call me a cheater any more why I play in UKCS pub server one year dont know any one and dont get called cheater and i come to my favorite server and i got called aimbot which i dont even know what that is well callum told me now and lol i wasnt using cheats and u have a picture of me using cheats i dont understand this at all dude this is sick your server is vac secure and i have steam proper steam it cost me 15 pounds and you think im using cheats? thats just so.. well then you call every single good player of cheats post these pictures of me in this forum topic thanks because 100% of my mum life i swear the god I didint used cheats say what ever you want Im not cheater and why would I post these stuff if i would of used cheats I would know what i got ban for but now ban for cheating which never happend thats inproperate thanks
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Re: Ban 13 years, 11 months ago #19436

  • Ded3
  • Expert Boarder
  • Posts: 80
  • Karma: -16
Mr.Moo thanks for unban man sorry I didint understanded what you said there but thanks man I will make sure if i get abused or something happens ill tell you or some one else all be active and play fun thank you so much
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Re: Ban 13 years, 11 months ago #19438

  • Mr.Moo
  • Platinum Boarder
  • Posts: 426
  • Karma: 17

Firstly, I said I had an image of you admitting to using cheats, not an image of you using them.

Secondly, you were banned because of your abusiveness and racism towards players.

Finally, I understand being banned can be frustrating, but please try not to spam our forums with your frustration or anger as that will get you know where. A simple "I understand why you banned me, but I honestly wasn't cheating" would have done the job.

Now, please remember to think before you make another topic, spamming or flaming arn't appropiate, have fun on the server but remember, we don't want to see any more abuse from you.


Pooky: Could you make your topic titles more specific next time please ? I thought this was about CSS.
Mentoz: It's in the Minecraft thread...
Pooky: Balls D:

Pooky Failed.
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Re: Ban 13 years, 11 months ago #19446

  • Ded3
  • Expert Boarder
  • Posts: 80
  • Karma: -16
Ok Mr.Moo so you didint said i was using cheats? you just said i was about to? kk maybe when i was angry bot i wont use cheats because i dont know if its posible to have any kind of cheats on steam thats why I got it anyway I enjoy the server thanks I hope youl come
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Re: Ban 13 years, 11 months ago #19447

  • vapour
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 442
  • Karma: 10
Oh dear god please learn to type in english. I think a japanese novel would be easier to read D:
M3ntoz: ty for thrusting me.

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Re: Ban 13 years, 11 months ago #19448

  • colin1uk
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1026
  • Karma: 43
Mr.Moo wrote:

Firstly, I said I had an image of you admitting to using cheats, not an image of you using them.

Secondly, you were banned because of your abusiveness and racism towards players.

Finally, I understand being banned can be frustrating, but please try not to spam our forums with your frustration or anger as that will get you know where. A simple "I understand why you banned me, but I honestly wasn't cheating" would have done the job.

Now, please remember to think before you make another topic, spamming or flaming arn't appropiate, have fun on the server but remember, we don't want to see any more abuse from you.


in future if anyone is racist , instant perm ban no exceptions

have fun

!! snake you ruined my life , i was only testing the hack !!,flacherke
Last Edit: 13 years, 11 months ago by colin1uk.
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Re: Ban 13 years, 11 months ago #19452

Issue solved. locking thread
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