Ded3 wrote:
Guys what do you think about this idea. Maybe admins should add some more maps and races and maybe some gun models make the game to change a bit

that would be fun

Well, yes it would be nice, but i guess its not possible jet.
I mean, as far as i know, pooky is the only one whos adding, creating, balancing and fixing races.
(sry if there are more ppl who do that... i just dont know much about how things work here at twk

So I guess there are way to less ppl, who are into this kind of scripting as pooky is.
But if u are able to make these things happen, which u think of... pooky would appreciate some help, cause there is a great amount of undone work and responsibility at twk wcs.
And about your idea of new maps, there is a section in this forum, where u can suggest new maps. Some responsible players will test them at the test server, to see if they fit.
Greetz, Boblike