What starting pistol is better ? personally myself i prefere the glock.
glock pros - 3 shot burst fire, 20 bullet clip, 4 shot burst fire, accurate at close-mid range, can jump shot accurately, can spray with single shots, will kill with 1 burst up close if in head, accurate while running
glock cons- weak shots unless u hit in head, miss with burst fire then it takes 2 seconds to fire again, can be unaccurate.
USP pros- can 1 shot kill if opponent has no helmet, has a silencer ( stealth xD), accurate at close-mid range, fairly accurate when firing fast, okay accurate while running.
Usp cons- will only do 50-60 damage if enemy has helmet, not an amazingly big clip, weak shots, accuracy could be better while running, hard to jump shot xD
say if i missed anything out, and yeah whats better ? xD