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To Skyrim or not to Skyrim ...That is the question
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TOPIC: To Skyrim or not to Skyrim ...That is the question

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To Skyrim or not to Skyrim ...That is the question 13 years, 3 months ago #29454

  • Amitiel
  • Dragon Slayer
  • Posts: 235
  • Karma: 20
Should I? Shouldn't I?
Or would I be opening a whole new can of worms having been clean of WoW since February ...

(been a while since I killed a dragon tho! )

Is that a wand in your pocket ... or are you just pleased to see my succubus?

Re: To Skyrim or not to Skyrim ...That is the question 13 years, 3 months ago #29455

  • substick
  • Official TWK Admin
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I haven't got it yet but I have heard great things about it also it is very addictive from what i have heard. The only bad thing I have heard about it is that it is too easy

Re: To Skyrim or not to Skyrim ...That is the question 13 years, 3 months ago #29457

  • Gimp
  • Official TWK Admin
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looks awsome, only downside is the lack of multiplayer. up to u if u like it though

Re: To Skyrim or not to Skyrim ...That is the question 13 years, 3 months ago #29459

  • Amitiel
  • Dragon Slayer
  • Posts: 235
  • Karma: 20
I'll /poke Johan
He'll know whether it'll suit me!

Is that a wand in your pocket ... or are you just pleased to see my succubus?

Re: To Skyrim or not to Skyrim ...That is the question 13 years, 3 months ago #29466

  • Tin
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 322
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*trundles into the room coverd in blood with a dragon skull on my shoulders*

Tread Lightly.....

this is all.

*wanders off into the wilderness to eat said dragon skull*
I am the tart of TWK, accept no subsitute!!

Re: To Skyrim or not to Skyrim ...That is the question 13 years, 3 months ago #29471

  • Johannicus
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Alice, What have you done?
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Its VERY addictive if you find a playstyle that suits you. But not addictive in a MMO style where you have to be on at certain times etc. Since you can save at any time you can play when it suits you.

Just walking around in the world is a wonderful experiance with its gorgeous enviroments. There are no classes so you get better at what you do. But you should decide early on if you wanna be mage or none mage user, cause you if you dont wanna be mage there is no point in spending levelups in mana for example. They made it possible for mages to be stealthy now so no matter what you pick you can do everything.

This is one reviews opinion:

"First off, if you have any long term commitments like say, a job or friends or a significant other, we suggest you ring them to make your excuses now - you don't want to get sacked or dumped over a video game, and letting your friends think you've died or been kidnapped due to lack of communication is just plain rude. Furthermore, it might be worth making sure that your gas and electricity bills have been paid, and that you have enough provisions to last you until spring. You're going to need time for Skyrim and lots of it."

So I say, if you wanna explore a whole continent, discover new things for a year onwards then yes this is a game for you. But as Tin said it can drag you in.

ADMIN on the Minecraft server.

Re: To Skyrim or not to Skyrim ...That is the question 13 years, 3 months ago #29472

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 746
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It's extremely addictive if you get the right style for you. Personally I found certain aspects of the game weren't as good as the past games such as Oblivion and Morrowind (like the new lockpicking since it has set parameters for the different difficulties meaning I know instantly where to go, and the level up system isn't as in depth as it used to be).

Despite that, it's visually astounding and the way they've done the difficulty is just how I have modded Oblivion to be! Tho I am still finding bandits with elven arrows and bows, it's taken about 3 times as long as it did in Oblivion (which is a good thing... bandits shouldn't be getting such good arrows ffs!)

It's a game that you can spend hundreds of hours playing and still not have everything done. I think I've spent over 60 hours on the game now and not even explored 20% of the surface let alone the caves, ruins, cities, mines etc... I dread to think what Daggerfall (the biggest elder scrolls map that took an npc 3 real life days to walk from one side to the other (it was tested)) was like
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