Story is alright but the whole side quest thing gets repetetive and boring. That added with the really bad endings and it starts to fall apart
Multiplayer I found boring. 25 minute rounds of wave survival to give you a whopping 5-8% extra readiness which then pretty much vanishes if you don't play multiplayer for 12 hours.
5 maps? 3 difficulties? 3 enemies? 1 game type? Great amount of choice you got there!
Endings I give a 1/10
Why a 1? Well sheperd CAN survive... If you no life multiplayer that is
So you meet the controller who wants the reapers to win, yet it still gives you three options, all of which stop the reapers... ummm stop right there... you want them to win no? So why give me a choice at all?
Anyway, 3 choices.
1. Destroy reapers, Mass Relay's blow up each creating a supernova (see ME2 DLC) and destroying that part of the galaxy, completing what the reapers came to do with extra overkill.
2. Control reapers, Mass Relay's blow up each creating a supernova (see ME2 DLC) and destroying that part of the galaxy, completing what the reapers came to do but not killing them in process.
3. Merge everything together, Mass Relay's blow up each creating a supernova (see ME2 DLC) and destroying that part of the galaxy, completing what the reapers came to do.
Hmmm so what your
really saying is I can end the galaxy in whatever colour I want as long as it's red, green or blue?
Now here comes the other stupid bits... When the hell did Joker run away? He's in a fight for the galaxy and then suddenly in the middle of a Mass Relay jump?
What about afterwards? If you choose destroy or control then the team you were using at the end (supposedly meant to be dead, not taking into account the Mass Relays killing everything) appear in the Normandy AS WELL! Wait... They were with me just a second ago... How the? Beam Shepard up as well then why don't you!?
I played through one scene with several teams to find some unique chatter between the three of us. It was quite amusing. Liara was my ME relationship, Tali my ME2 relationship. Re-kindle Tali and go to the geth ship with those two and you start flirting with Tali right in Liara's face before EDI points out the obvious... Comedy gold and one of the very few entertaining bits I found to ME3.
As Johan said, you lose people from previous games and nothing more... If you go renegade plus save geth then you end up killing Wrex and Mordin, Tali commits suidide, Legion gives his life to make geth smart, Miranda dies because you didn't tell her anything, Thane dies because of his disease and you just pretty much laugh in his face about it, Kaiden/Ashley try to stop you from shotting Udina (I've not done renegade but I assume you can have the option to shoot them).
If you go ultra paragon + pushed for ceasefire in past ME games then only Mordin, Thane and Legion die. Still tho Thane gets an awesome fight with an assassin, Legion gives his life to give the geth souls (pretty much) and mordin saves the krogan. You? You don't get seen doing jack all by anyone and end up wiping out the galaxy!
Anyone interested might like to take a look at an ending concept that I myself find brilliant, tho if Bioware implement it I'd be very surprised (even tho it MAKES SENSE)
Right well I won't be playing ME3 again... I'll make do with my Tali love on ME2 which showed more than it did in ME3.
P.S. Think you've probably guessed I wasn't impressed

Deus Ex endings with re-used animations are NOT the way to end the Mass Effect series