As some may know; I have been rather inactive from the TWK forums recently along with a few others, there is a reason for this which why I am here

. Me, React, Hunter and Deathkitten are setting up our own gaming clan, we have been for the past month now and we have been trying to get everything ready which is why I haven't told everybody about it yet in case something happened. We felt it was time to try something new and experience setting up everything our own way and the way we think is best

. The reason I am telling you this is because I don't want people to see what we have done in the future and think that we are deserting TWK or trying to steal anything or anybody from the community.
Although some already know about the servers and the website, I am not going to post it on here since I don't want to steal members from TWK or try to compete with TWK, all we wanted to do is have a fresh start and try something new by ourselves

. I am happy with people joining the servers from TWK since I know many of them will provide valuable activity on the servers and will respect the rules and get along with others.
I hope this doesn't effect our friendship in the future since I will always be around for TWK if you ever need me, although I doubt you will since you have much more capable members lurking

Anyway to finish this off I would just like to say thank you for all the memories I have from TWK and the fun I had on the servers you owned

I hope I was able to contribute and help towards the goals TWK had

. Good luck to everybody in their lives and I hope you all fulfil your dreams and live good life
Thanks once again from all of us.
Alex (Substick)
Conall (React)
Amy (Deathkitten)
Ronan (Hunter)