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High Spec FPS Vs Medium Spec FPS
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TOPIC: High Spec FPS Vs Medium Spec FPS

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High Spec FPS Vs Medium Spec FPS 15 years, 11 months ago #3420

  • EvilSaint
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Ok Guys, This is bugging me so much, but first To be able to answer this perfectly your goining to need to have:

-Played A Medium Spec Game, Counter Strike:Source is a good example
-Played a High Spec Game, Call Of Duty 4-5 are the best examples
-Have Knowledge of FPS Games.

Well this is it. Between me and my dad have bought nearly all High Spec Games that have gotten a 85+ rating i would say, and yet the graphics are amazing and the gameplay looks fantastic, i feel that they lack the fun of a game like Counter Strike. Yeah I'm guessing Counter Strike was a High Spec FPS in its day of release but still i feel that Counter Strike is alot more fun than my second favourite game Call of Duty:World At War.

I'm guessing this is not just me or Counter Strike wouldnt still be played on, much . THen there's the fact that Call of duty spend millions and millions on their games, yet counter strike is still more over played. So Which is Better High Spec FPS's with there fantastic looks, Or Medium Spec FPS's with there more fun gamging.

This is What i say


Better Graphics
More Stuff in Game
Tends to have more weapons
More Up-to-date, i.e Patches.

Only good systems can play
Too Complex
When can i get the time to play?
Cost's a lot


Can get boring with less things
Less Updates
Can look like a 6 year old has made
Tend to get annoying Kids online
(There's Proberly More)

Ok So i want you to give me new Pro's and Con's to each of these, ill put them together along with a poll and see by the end of the month which is better. Thanks for Your Time.


Re: High Spec FPS Vs Medium Spec FPS 15 years, 11 months ago #3424

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
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I choose neither.

It really depends on the game. Lets say (out of fps for a moment) you got a low spec as Super Mario Bros. for the SNES:

It's a great game
Fun for all the family
Hundreds of levels to play over and over
Has replay value well above most (despite only one path of completion for each level)
Only very simple graphics

And then for a High spec game, Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii:

Less levels
Not as fun to play
Hasn't got very good replay vales (limited paths which is an up from SNES, but not as good imo)
Much better graphics

Now sonic the hedgehog is the same, first one was brill, a few more good ones, now they start making him turn into a 'werewolf' and crap... It ruins the whole meaning of sonic!

For FPS's it's not as bad, I play Resident Evil 5 and love it! Then there's Res Evil 1 and the rest which are equally as good. Same with CoD, all of them equally as good imo.

and it's that opinion that stops me from choosing them for fps... games in general: Low and Medium spec ftw.
Fps: My opinion on most is the same, so can't give you a definate winner there

Re: High Spec FPS Vs Medium Spec FPS 15 years, 11 months ago #3428

  • DreamState
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I think I would also have to say that it depends on the game.

The personal reason I love source is the hard-edgedness of it. In normal, regular source (and I always remember this when I first started to play), you can walk around a corner and be dead. Then you have to sit out and wait. No respawn!

I've played a few other FPS's but I've always come back to source. BF2 was very good.

Recently purchased Sins of a Solar Empire, and the graphics on this are relatively crude for a modern game, but the gameplay is amazing.

At the same time, some of the racing games on the PS3 are immense and graphics score very highly there.
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Re: High Spec FPS Vs Medium Spec FPS 15 years, 11 months ago #3430

  • EvilSaint
  • Senior Boarder
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Yeah i know that it depends on the Game but in general idea which wins?

I gotta sau Medium spec my self...i feel that they spend more time making the game fun, not just good to look at

Re: High Spec FPS Vs Medium Spec FPS 15 years, 11 months ago #3431

  • Greenie
  • Official TWK Admin
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It's completely subjective. What starts out as a 'high end' FPS will slide down the scale till every new computer can play it without breaking a sweat.

CS: S is a good example of a game that fills both criteria, even though its best on a high spec machine (like anything), pretty much anyone can play it. Also because the source engine, which CS: S is based on, is very scalable, from fairly low-spec machines, to higher end ones with options for HDR and the like.

Re: High Spec FPS Vs Medium Spec FPS 15 years, 11 months ago #3447

  • slaB
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It's what the other say, it depends on the actuall game. But if I am to choose one of them, it must be Medium Spec FPS.

Half Life, Half Life: Sven Co-op, Half Life: The Specialists

These three games...I have never experienced that much fun on LANs when playing them together with other ppl!
It's freaking easy to create a server and join, so simple (even using cracked version of HL (Sven Co-op and The Specialists is free mods))
It is so many different maps and skins, can be downloaded free.
Sven Co-op offers total Teamplay, we all have to work together to accomplish the misson.
The graphics is terrible, but by knowing it WAS the best years ago, makes it so cool and really hilarious!

LAN wouldn't be the same without them
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