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TOPIC: Bronydom

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Bronydom 13 years, 8 months ago #23561

  • Zorninphel
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 47
  • Karma: -6
How 'bout them cartoon ponies, huh?

If you don't know already, My Little Pony (hear me out): Friendship Is Magic (hear me out...) is a show that was started in 2010. It's 1st series has already finished and due to it's rising popularity a second one is already in the works. It has gathered a MASSIVE internet following, being on the fast track to becoming the most viewed meme on It's internet following is due to the fact that it is a series watchable by both kids and adults, with genuinley good humor. Also, the animation is the best I've seen on any cartoon I've seen. And I don't usually use the "graphics" argument.

If you haven't clicked away already, well done. You are either a brony already or open-minded. If you haven't watched an episode already, try either 1 & 2, 16 or 19. It is a little cheesy to start off with but as they realise their internet popularity they genuinley beocome more and more fun to watch. Just don't get to involed. Once I accidentally said 'what the hay' instead of 'what the hell'.

Have fun, bronies, and remember. If the great Zorninphel likes it, then you know its gotta be good.

(also attached is what my profile picture is meant to be if the gif would work)
This signature needs to be about 20% cooler.

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie Pie? You asleep yet?
Pinkie Pie: No. Are you asleep yet?
RD: If I was sleeping, how could I ask you if you were asleep yet?
PP: Oh yeah! Hehhehw
RD: When we get to Appleloosa, d'you think we'll have to carry that heavy tree all by ourselves?
PP: What tree? You mean Loomberg?
RD: ... No. Fluttershy.
PP: Hehehe, Fluttershy's not a tree, silly!
Twilight Sparkle: What's going on?
PP: Rainbow Dash thinks Fluttershy's a tree!
RD: I do not think she's a tree! I just-
TS: Did you say she was a tree?
RD: No! Well, sorta-
TW: You know she's not a tree, right?
PP: She's not a tree, Dashie!
Fluttershy: I'd like to be a tree.
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