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New DragonBall Movie...Yes I'm Sad.
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New DragonBall Movie...Yes I'm Sad. 15 years, 11 months ago #3460

  • EvilSaint
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Well I'm proberly the only person, sad enough to ever like DB and DBZ and well i was disapointed by the final outcome of this new hollywood film, yes it was suposed to be something new, but i would of liked to see a big muscle man Goku ect, even when he was a teen to young adult he still was strong, yet hollywood, 'americanised' him by making him a nerdy american boy who was a bit unlucky, and was in lvoe with the most popular girl in school, WTF who gives a shite. Goku is the Best fighter On Earth, later in whole exsitance... we dont care about who he likes as a teenager.

Ok so if u seen the film and the anime, u would no what i was saying but just for u who's dont.

DB-DBZ anime storyline:

DragonBall-Goku was found in a spaceship by Son gohan, who gave him a a dragonball and told him what they did, Son Gohan or Gohan found out that Son Goku as he called him, was able in moonlight to transform into a terrible beast, why he has a tale, the beast is a giant gorila. Goku is left fend for himself as Son Gohan dies, he meets up with Bolma, a very clever babe, who's father is rich and owns a big company called 'capsule corp' basically they go round looking for the dragonballs, to be granted one wish from the dragon, Piccolo a alien wants to be ruler of earth, goku tries to stop him...

Dragon Ball Z- left off from stopping piccolo a person called raditz comes to earth in a spaceship similar to Goku, Goku(powerlevel arwnd 300) finds out that raditz (powerlevel 1200) is his brother, and that he is a sayian from the planet Vageta, and he was sent to rid earth of its population. goku and Piccolo team up to fight raditz and with powering up with ther blasts (kommahamaha goku, and special beam cannon for piccolo) they kill raditz but goku has to take his own life too, good news for goku they can bring him back with the dragonballs, but first he needs to get training off the King Ki as there are more sayians coming which are much after a year they fight Vegeta(goku's biggest nemisis, but they work together in end) and after Vegeta the best class of sayians and prince of all sayians gets defeted by goku and level -3 sayian(not very good) he nearly gets killed by Krillin(goku's friend) but goku stops him, so on so get picture after that they just fight diffrent threat....

DragonBall evolution(movie)-The story begins with Goku, who seeks out upon his adoptive grandfather Grandpa Gohan's dying request to find the great Master Roshi and gather all seven Dragon Balls. Of which he has one, in order to prevent the evil Lord Piccolo from succeeding in his desire to use the Dragon Balls to take over the world. And Goku's quest is to obtain the mystical Dragonballs before Piccolo does. Based on] The King Piccolo Saga [Dragonball], also known as the Piccolo Daimaoh Saga (Demon Lord Piccolo Saga) is the penultimate saga from the anime Dragon Ball. It occurs after the Tien Shinhan Saga and precedes the Piccolo Junior Saga. It includes the battles between Goku and King Piccolo's sons, Goku's first encounter with the Samurai warrior, Yajirobe, Goku's quest to find the Holy Water, his final battle with young King Piccolo, and the birth of Piccolo Junior

Appearances also made by Yamcha and Bulma but regretably not Bwar or Oolong, nor even Krillin. Ox King and his Daughter Chi Chi are speculated

so if ur a hardcore dbz fan like me, u too will agree that this movie sooked, if u havnt seen db or dbz before...i would suggest u see the movie as its proberly good, in that sense

Re: New DragonBall Movie...Yes I'm Sad. 15 years, 11 months ago #3462

  • slaB
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Tried to have a look at DBZ, but I didn't like it at all : )
But what I am currently looking at is Nartuo, Bleach and One Piece. Really good series!

Re: New DragonBall Movie...Yes I'm Sad. 15 years, 11 months ago #3465

  • EvilSaint
  • Senior Boarder
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Didnt like naruto he sseemed a bit of a penis if u ask i'm hardcore dbz 4 life XD

Re: New DragonBall Movie...Yes I'm Sad. 15 years, 11 months ago #3492

  • Gazza
  • Official TWK Admin
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dbz i used to love, Movie imho sucked. but the tv series is great

Re: New DragonBall Movie...Yes I'm Sad. 15 years, 11 months ago #3496

  • slaB
  • Administrator
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They are too weird...Their hair style is ridiculous!
- Watchita, what does the scouter say about his power level?!
- IT'S OVER 90000!!!!!!

Re: New DragonBall Movie...Yes I'm Sad. 15 years, 11 months ago #3502

  • EvilSaint
  • Senior Boarder
  • Posts: 66
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lol yeah i too believe that the power levels are ridicoulos, especially coming from vegeta. in one battle he fights a person from the ginyu and gets hammerd, after goku came (after 7 days of high gravity training) and owns him and the other too, vegeta suddenly becomes 10x more powerfull.

DBZ- Sayian Saga 300-30,000
- Nameick Saga - 10,000-23,000( Nameick n ginyu space of 6 days)
- Ginyu Force Saga - 25,000-180,000(the 180,000-300,000 in space of less than a day...)
- Frieza Saga - 300,000- 2,000,000(5 year space between andriod and frieza)
- Andriod saga - 18,000,000+ top around 25,000,000
- Cell Games - 35,000,000+ top around 45,000,000
- Buu Saga - 35,000,000+ top around 500,000,000, (Kid buu vs Goku ss3)

so yeah... it gets incredible and if we take that

buu saga when babidi was measuring goku's powerlevel with that device of his - he said that goku was at 3000 'killies' and that 300 'killes' was enough to destroy a planet.

Vegata could destroy a planet at 18,000 so that at the time goku was 180,000 bu that not th epoint imagine what they could do? They should power up and planets shud be destoryed...

Re: New DragonBall Movie...Yes I'm Sad. 15 years, 11 months ago #3657

  • Johannicus
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  • Alice, What have you done?
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I never liked dragonball or naruto. But I like Full Metal Alchemist, Hellsing, Ergo Proxy and the weird serie Lain.

ADMIN on the Minecraft server.

Re: New DragonBall Movie...Yes I'm Sad. 15 years, 11 months ago #3663

  • Che ken
  • Official TWK Admin
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That's the thing with stuff like dragonball... The makers think to themselves 'how broken can we make our main character?' 'Well as long as the others are also broken, lets make them so broken that the tele will explode from their broken power!'
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