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The New Terminator
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TOPIC: The New Terminator

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Re: The New Terminator 15 years, 3 months ago #4848

  • liger
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VoGon wrote:
Loved it.

Sound as Tunes mentioned was ass kicking!

I'm a sucker for big ass machines doing lots of noise and destroying lots of things so I guess that was why I loved it.

Makes you think that if it was true (of it it becomes true...

But great action sequences and great to watch on cinema.

it has already began, skynet was a belgian internet provider

Re: The New Terminator 15 years, 3 months ago #5014

  • Vandricko
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was a good movie

Re: The New Terminator 15 years, 3 months ago #5022

  • VoGon
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Vandricko wrote:
was a good movie

WTF???? "was a good movie" is all you have to say on this?????
DS : No worries. I've just tried to burn then microwave then shred my wow invite.

Re: The New Terminator 15 years, 3 months ago #5085

  • Luckie
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Just went to see this today and I can confirm that it is indeed a good film.

I went into it thinking that it was going to be shit since the entire focus of the film was not on John Connor and of critics saying that Christian Bale overacted the role at points. I honestly thought that the idea of Marcus Wright was the worst thing to happen to the Terminator series. There was no way they could pull this off without it ruining the film!

But since the Terminator series and more specifically Terminator 2 is one of my favourite films, I thought I'd go see it. Because it's Terminator.

Annoyingly being a former drama student, I now can't watch anything at all without analysing it and seeing how cleverly put together it is. Watching Terminator was no different. I noticed the camera work was good and helped to keep the pace of the action as well as really creating a lot of tension at other points. Some very nicely framed shots indeed!

Music was good and I especially liked the part where Guns n' Roses You Could be Mine was played (classic Terminator reference!). I loved all the references to old Terminators, from the subtle beats in the music (I mean the classic "DODO DO DODO!"Wink to the Guns n' Roses to the cameo of Arnold Schwarzenegger (even though you could tell he was digital it was still really cool of them to recreate his face from the first Terminator but then again, it wouldn't have made sense in the timeline otherwise would it?).

I have to say the acting is really good but as with most action films there is only one voice for any hardcore lead character can have and that is a low husky voice with very little intonation. But they're hardcore characters so they'd sound a bit stupid if their voice was dancing up and down now wouldn't they? I also must congratulate Anton Yelchin (Kyle Reese) and Star (don't know the name of the actress - and just a side comment that that kid is also hardcore but kinda creepy at the same time) on a bloody good performance!

I thought I'd hate the film not only for the character of Marcus Wright but also because it's set in the future. I loved the old Terminator films. I loved how they were constantly being chased by an unstoppable force and so I wasn't sure about how the films would keep up that same tension and excitement as the old films. But McG has managed to develop the plot enough while providing a top class action film and has left plenty of scope for the announced sequel and for the Sarah Connor Chronicles! I also now love the character of Marcus Wright because he was so involved in the plot. And he's hardcore. Even when is just human.

To summarise I will quote a very famous film critic's review of the film, which I feel completely summarises what I feel about this film:

Vandricko wrote:
was a good movie

For more film reviews by Luckie go to:

www.luckiewouldlovejonathonross'" onclick=";return false;

Re: The New Terminator 15 years, 3 months ago #5086

  • VoGon
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Nice review mate!

And yes, the references are excellent, and that starting theme is exactly what is meant to be "Terminator".

P.S. - Good review but the best movie critic on this forums is indeed Van
DS : No worries. I've just tried to burn then microwave then shred my wow invite.

Re: The New Terminator 15 years, 3 months ago #5091

  • Tunes
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Can't wait for another sequel, the story is quite openended and there is lots of space to grow it even more, as I've written, beating the machines is simply not there yet, and it must happen.

Terminator series, till now, is one of the few storylines not messed, It should be an example to follow.

I have a bit of the same problem as Luckie, I was a cinema staging professional, film cutter, editor and on stage camera assistant for several portuguese, spanish and french (yuck) productions, so, technical criticism allways comes when watching a movie, and this one almost goes with no stupid defects, the shots are very clever and well filmed, sound and music well done, the guns n'roses track while capturing a Tbike is one of the scenes I most enjoyed.

Lets wait for the sequel

Re: The New Terminator 15 years, 3 months ago #5101

  • HBW
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Sorry to poop on your chips lads but it really wasn't a good film at all. Was going to lets it slide but a sequel....really?

That film was pointless enough i shudder to think of a sequel.

Here's an idea for script writers....get your own ideas and stop bending over the classics for a unwanted surprise

Re: The New Terminator 15 years, 3 months ago #5102

  • VoGon
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HBW wrote:
Sorry to poop on your chips lads but it really wasn't a good film at all. Was going to lets it slide but a sequel....really?

That film was pointless enough i shudder to think of a sequel.

Here's an idea for script writers....get your own ideas and stop bending over the classics for a unwanted surprise





DS : No worries. I've just tried to burn then microwave then shred my wow invite.

Re: The New Terminator 15 years, 3 months ago #5103

  • Luckie
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HBW wrote:
Sorry to poop on your chips lads but it really wasn't a good film at all. Was going to lets it slide but a sequel....really?

That film was pointless enough i shudder to think of a sequel.

Here's an idea for script writers....get your own ideas and stop bending over the classics for a unwanted surprise

Explain yourself heretic else you face banishment from this here council!

Re: The New Terminator 15 years, 3 months ago #5104

  • HBW
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1. No need at all for a 4th terminator...AT ALL

2. Story starts and ends in the same place 'oh, we still have to fight against computers' even tho blowing up this one seemingly insignificant plant is made out to be a massive deal

3. Script was corny as in places, it's like there's a computer program you can buy if u r a crap writer which just inserts tired old lines into every scene cos u have no good idea of your own.

4. Entire film was obvious and predictable

5. Such a waste of some decent acting talent and what could have been a decent film if done better

6. Why the *&%$ does a computerised facility have a human interface and all nicely finished interior design?

7.i. How does John Conner survive...he basically gets pummeled in every scene by a giant super strong robot.

7.ii. Surely a robot killing machine would be better a killing people...instead of just punching through you puny human face i will throw u over this railing, damn u didn't die maybe i'll throw u across the room....damn again.

8. Even tho they know conner is coming to rescue Chekov from the new Star Trek film (which is a good film btw), none of the killing machines have as much as a knife on them when they fight him. That's a stupid machine, seriously I could destroy the machines if that's the best they got.

9.i. Random crap. Example.... whilst people are being herded into the machines prison or whatever there's big jets of fire shooting up in all directions.

9.ii. All these machines are nuclear powered or whatever (some power cell crap which is bs anyway) but that huge one at the gas station has exhausts pumping out black smoke and must therefore be powered by combustion which makes no sense.

10. I was looking forward to it coming out and it wasn't very good. (dnt toy with my emotions like that)

Bored of writing now cos it's so damn hot today, if u need more ask me I have plenty

I would add that I didn't think it was a terrible film it had it's moments and I liked the the main terminator guys part.

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