Just went to see this today and I can confirm that it is indeed a good film.
I went into it thinking that it was going to be shit since the entire focus of the film was not on John Connor and of critics saying that Christian Bale overacted the role at points. I honestly thought that the idea of Marcus Wright was the worst thing to happen to the Terminator series. There was no way they could pull this off without it ruining the film!
But since the Terminator series and more specifically Terminator 2 is one of my favourite films, I thought I'd go see it. Because it's Terminator.
Annoyingly being a former drama student, I now can't watch anything at all without analysing it and seeing how cleverly put together it is. Watching Terminator was no different. I noticed the camera work was good and helped to keep the pace of the action as well as really creating a lot of tension at other points. Some very nicely framed shots indeed!
Music was good and I especially liked the part where Guns n' Roses You Could be Mine was played (classic Terminator reference!). I loved all the references to old Terminators, from the subtle beats in the music (I mean the classic "DODO DO DODO!"
to the Guns n' Roses to the cameo of Arnold Schwarzenegger (even though you could tell he was digital it was still really cool of them to recreate his face from the first Terminator but then again, it wouldn't have made sense in the timeline otherwise would it?).
I have to say the acting is really good but as with most action films there is only one voice for any hardcore lead character can have and that is a low husky voice with very little intonation. But they're hardcore characters so they'd sound a bit stupid if their voice was dancing up and down now wouldn't they? I also must congratulate Anton Yelchin (Kyle Reese) and Star (don't know the name of the actress - and just a side comment that that kid is also hardcore but kinda creepy at the same time) on a bloody good performance!
I thought I'd hate the film not only for the character of Marcus Wright but also because it's set in the future. I loved the old Terminator films. I loved how they were constantly being chased by an unstoppable force and so I wasn't sure about how the films would keep up that same tension and excitement as the old films. But McG has managed to develop the plot enough while providing a top class action film and has left plenty of scope for the announced sequel and for the Sarah Connor Chronicles! I also now love the character of Marcus Wright because he was so involved in the plot. And he's hardcore. Even when is just human.
To summarise I will quote a very famous film critic's review of the film, which I feel completely summarises what I feel about this film:
Vandricko wrote:
was a good movie
For more film reviews by Luckie go to:
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