Tunes wrote:
Johannicus wrote:
erm.. college networks don't count
If it so that way... no one has bigger than me, problem is, I cannot really test it... as most test servers only go to 100mbit... and I can pump around 2Gbit...
I completly agree with you, collage and internet cafe connections dont count. The problem is that Im not on such a connection. Im sitting at home in a building built 1943 and I got fiber optic straight to my socket.
"Sweden enjoys one of the highest broadband penetration rates in Europe, the result of effective government broadband policies and a population quick to adopt emerging technologies. DSL dominates broadband access, though Metro Ethernet and WLAN access are also available. The fibre sector is also among the most vibrant in the world, and Sweden now has the largest number of fibre connections in Europe. Considerable investment in mobile networks has also made mobile broadband a fast-growing area."
Thats Sweden, hightech even in your home =)