kl3sh wrote:
Hey i was wondering if anyone on here could help me... i have a predicament which is rather annnoying to be quite honest with you.
My 22" Belinea B. monitor was working fine and all yesterday, then when i got back home, switched my pc back on, the monitor decided it wished to go to a black screen after 2 seconds, then after about 1 min, to do it again....
Does anyone know why this is happening or how to fix it :/ I've been told it's something to do with the back light and not getting power or it has burntout, so i've changed power cables, isolated the power to one plug, changed Vga and digital and Hdmi cables, non work, get the same result, and later tried to hook up to my net book and the same thing happened; The screen flashed on for two seconds before going black.
There is something clearly wrong with the screen, can anyone offer any advice? :/
Thanks in advance....but im bordering on having to buy a new screen

Well my friend, It looks like something fried in your monitor and the only suggestion I have is call for warranty if it is less than 2 years.
If not, you could try to buy spares on ebay, but I would take it to someone with knowledge and identify the problem, if the backlight does not come up, two reasons, the backlight transformer blownup, "easy to fix" or the EL panel fried, when that happens, dispose of your monitor wisely and.. buy a new one.
Also on a last lucky resort, the input processor (the thingie that receives the pc signals) might have gone away (90% of the times, the input resistor fry, "easy to fix" get a new board on ebay".
In this last case, the monitor menu may still work if you press the menu button.
Hope this helps somehow.