Damn I take back what I said maybe I do know a bit about what I'm looking for with the right site!

I went on that site before you made that post and fiddled about a bit and came up with this which so far has been very similar to the one you made up
I then realised I had made a few mistakes and again need to clarify a few things.
I have a HI-FI AMP system with two floor standing speakers, so would want to use them but unsure if they'd be able to connect to the sound card/whatever
I'm also planning on revamping my TV (32" CRT, rubbish basically!) and was wondering if it might be worth getting that as a monitor instead (since I've seen 50" 3D TV's selling for LESS than 27" 3D monitors and that got me thinking...)
Anyway after fixing a few mistakes I pulled out this:
With the monitors I am also thinking about changing them up to two 27" monitors and not getting a TV, however I'd need to know if I could plug my console into them (I can image 2 screened skyrim would be
awesone) before deciding that as I wouldn't want to have 2 monitors, no tv and no way to play my xbox!