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Support a good cause!
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TOPIC: Support a good cause!

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Support a good cause! 15 years, 6 months ago #6880

  • slaB
  • Administrator
  • Posts: 1244
  • Karma: 2
I came over this software, and it's quite simple, run a program and support the fight against diseases!

What is Folding@home? What is protein folding?

Folding@home is a distributed computing project, that very simply stated, studies protein folding and misfolding. Protein folding is explained in more detail in the scientific background section.

What is distributed computing?

Distributed Computing is a method of computer processing in which different parts of a program, or different portions of data, are processing simultaneously on two or more computers that are communicating with each other over a network or through the Internet.

Now, I have also made a TWK team on their site, feel free to join!
After you install (or run the console) choose whatever nickname you want and paste this number in the "Team" section: 171508
Check our Team statistics here:" onclick=";return false;
(Statistics might be down time to time, since it's often results)

Also, there is two versions of their software, Low Performance and High Performance. Use High Performance if you have a kickass computer and use Low Performance if you have a slow computer. (High Performance is still in beta testing and might not work, so it's up to you if you want to use Low performance (which is stable) if you get an error (open log-file to see if there is errors occurring) or you could ofc try to fix the problem, search their forums etc).

Low performance software:" onclick=";return false;
High performance software:" onclick=";return false;
(Seriously, I tried the High performance software, and the temp/fans went really high, so it's only for high performance computers with Nvidia 8000 series and higher/ATI 4000 series.)

A little notice, you can without problems do other things on your computer whilst running this program, at least the Low Performance software. But the most methodical way of doing it is have it running while you sleep or when you are on work/school.


Re: Support a good cause! 15 years, 6 months ago #6881

  • VoGon
  • Official TWK Admin
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In the good days of overclocking used to run it. There are people on xtremesystems that have like 10 pcs all folding. They have also created a client for ati video cards (a gpu does a hell more calculations than a cpu)... But yes its very heavy on hardware.
DS : No worries. I've just tried to burn then microwave then shred my wow invite.

Re: Support a good cause! 15 years, 6 months ago #6896

  • liger
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1318
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2 things to consider
1. it will stress the hell out of ur system. So be sure u have good cooling and quiet one (or u can always go deaf )
2. electricity bill (small amount but still)

Re: Support a good cause! 15 years, 6 months ago #6906

  • Tin
  • Official TWK Admin
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what if your already deaf with a half dead pc
I am the tart of TWK, accept no subsitute!!

Re: Support a good cause! 15 years, 6 months ago #6908

  • Luckie
  • Official TWK Admin
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I still don't understand it - wtf is protein folding?

Re: Support a good cause! 15 years, 6 months ago #6909

  • liger
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1318
  • Karma: 15
on top of my head
u get some diseases coz a protein folds "wrong" way
so by simulating the folding u can learn about it
this demands HEAVY calculations so they spread the load

CPU's, GPU's and u can help on ps3

Re: Support a good cause! 15 years, 6 months ago #6916

  • slaB
  • Administrator
  • Posts: 1244
  • Karma: 2
I don't pay the electric bill where I live atm

Re: Support a good cause! 15 years, 6 months ago #6925

  • Tunes
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 3113
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slaB wrote:
I don't pay the electric bill where I live atm


I did started distributed computing by the time seti took 3 days per unit, on P2 300Mhz

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