Antivirus??!? What the heck is that?!?!
Vogon can confirm... none of my machine has them installed...
And for those starting to rip hairs off, I do prefer what I have setup at home, I have a file share server where I store all that matters to me, photos, videos, mail and stuff, and run clamav there, redirect the "my documents" stuff to there, and also provides quite easy and fast migrations.
I know most people cannot afford to have a linux box powered up 24x7 like me.
Also, i'm a VERY carefull "user", I don't open unknow crap and mail crap (pps and stuff).
The only place I have that stupid thing called AV, is the laptop, cause I have to open visios, docs and xls from other dumb users, so I better wear a condom here, don't know where those docs been at
Gaming rigs and production rigs cannot have AV IMHO.