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accelerate that youtube movie and more
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TOPIC: accelerate that youtube movie and more

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accelerate that youtube movie and more 15 years, 3 months ago #8229

  • liger
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1318
  • Karma: 15
done with flash videos using all you cores @100%

install new flash and drivers and enjoy smooth 1080p flash video

explained here" onclick=";return false;

test it out here" onclick=";return false;

in particular

Re: accelerate that youtube movie and more 15 years, 3 months ago #8235

  • Tunes
  • Official TWK Admin
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Won't bother testing, flash is and will be sucking ALL the mips a machine has, regardless of its power/cpu/ram/ghz/whatever

As I have an 8800 here, out of the race, the other has ATI, another one out of the race.

Adobe is simply not getting that, vector animation is here since the 80's, I had fantavision on the amiga and even with complex scenes, on an 12Mhz cpu (yes 12 MHZ) it ran quite smooth, any crappy pc with 10 years can play full motion video, flash still today can't do it... it will be a continued story of shame, it cannot be possible for a simple app like flash, hog a core and eat all avail mem, unless is coded by minds the size of pin.

Other technologies, like qtm, asx, mp4 can be played without hogging a machine down.

Todays developers mind, don't give a crap about performance because, they have too much cpu do deal with crappy coding, I bet my a.., if they give things like Pentium 200mhz with 64Mb mem and make that flash code WORK, the next release would be streched to performance and not resource hogging...

hehehe, found a kid, looks like he managed to get some hands on the 25 year old software, for those interested.


Re: accelerate that youtube movie and more 15 years, 3 months ago #8253

  • liger
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 1318
  • Karma: 15
only 2 versions of 8800 dont work (gts and some else, coz they had old chipset, without hardware video acceleration)

I have 8800GT and it works well here. I can watch 1080p flash vid with no probs now on youtube.

Re: accelerate that youtube movie and more 15 years, 3 months ago #8256

  • Tunes
  • Official TWK Admin
  • Posts: 3113
  • Karma: 100
liger wrote:
only 2 versions of 8800 dont work (gts and some else, coz they had old chipset, without hardware video acceleration)

I have 8800GT and it works well here. I can watch 1080p flash vid with no probs now on youtube.

Believe it or not, I can play 1080p on youtube for quite some time, why?


Flash 9 and firefox 3.0 Never updated firefox on my laptop, and its a 4 year old top of line VGN-s5hp Sony Vaio, on my new gaming rig at home, 1080p has hickups all over... 4 cpu... 2x ATI4890 8g mem... flash does suckz right?

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